Business Services
The CUSD Business Services Department manages all our office’s financial affairs, including but not limited to accounts payable and receivable, budget allocation, purchasing, and fiscal reporting. We perform each task with our common vision in mind; holding ourselves to only the highest standards of integrity and responsibility. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about our district budget or the way in which we allocate funds.
Business Department Staff
Danielle Alvarez
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Israel Cardenas
Director of Fiscal Services
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Raquel Gomez
Payroll Specialist
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Olipita Raya
Account Clerk/Asset Analyst
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Sylvia Pantoja
District Secretary II
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Rebecca Schreuder
District Secretary II
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- Integrated Pest Management
- Per Diem Rate Look-Up
- Forms
- W-4 Employee Federal Withholding
- DE4 - Employee State Withholding
- CalSTRS 403(b) Plan Annual Notice
- CalSTRS 403(b) New User Instructions
- CalSTRS 403(b) Returning User Instructions
- Budget Change Request Form
- Expense Claim Form
- Lost Receipt Form
- Facility Use Application
- Vendor Information Request
- W-9 Vendor Information Form
- CAST Application
- New Booster Organizations Packet
- General District Donation
- Public Works DIR Requirements
- Resolutions